Optimize the loading/unloading - advises
The loading bays are the chosen element to seal the spaces between the building and the cargos which approach the platform. It is therefore a key element, because it is the linking element between inside and outside and ensures a complete protection, both for persons and goods, in case of rain, wind or other. The load points, therefore, lend themselves to be employed in those contexts in which are carried...
The loading bays are the chosen element to seal the spaces between the building and the cargos which approach the platform. It is therefore a key element, because it is the linking element between inside and outside and ensures a complete protection, both for persons and goods, in case of rain, wind or other. The load points, therefore, lend themselves to be employed in those contexts in which are carried out logistic activities that require speed and convenience during loading and unloading.
In order that the load points function optimally, making it almost automatic operations of loading and unloading, they should have present the characteristics and specific components.
In particular, to optimize the load points, we resort to three basic modules, namely the isothermic portal or sealant, the dock leveller and the sectional door. We see an overview of the specific characteristics of each of these components, starting with the isothermic portal or sealant, whose basic tasks are keeping the staff and the goods protected from the elements,avoid that there are differences in temperature between the internal environment and the external, last but not least, ensure compliance with the health standards in force.
We now come to hydraulic dock leveller (or loading platform). This element is used to connect, in safety, the floor of the warehouse to the carrying vehicle that comes near. The loading platform must be able to adapt each time to follow any movements of the vehicle. To ensure the performance of operations in complete safety, the ramps must be equipped with an emergency device, which is used to control the speed of descent of the ramp in the event that the vehicle moves away suddenly.
Last, but not least, the sectional door, cherry on top loading bays. Depending on the needs, you may opt for a door manual or motorized, and it is possible to further optimize this module by applying one or more portholes, useful to inspect all the operations from the inside.

Velo Pack Atex - Industrial doors ATEX
Among the innovations of Trivellato Srl stand out clearly also ATEX industrial doors, a line designed specifically to meet the requirements of companies that have environments with a high risk of an explosive atmosphere.
Among the innovations of Trivellato Srl stand out clearly also ATEX industrial doors, a line designed specifically to meet the requirements of companies that have environments with a high risk of an explosive atmosphere.
The door Velo Pack Atex develops in particular to meet the demands of two European Union directives that regulate safety in the event of ATmosphères and EXplosibles: 94/9 / EC is a directive that is aimed at equipment manufacturers use in potentially explosive areas and has the regulation of equipment designed for this type areas at risk of explosion and provides for compulsory product certification; 99/92 / EC on the other hand is a law that applies in environments at risk of explosion because there are and / or are a function of plant and equipment certified, so it is a rule to protect the safety and health of workers and users.
Trivellato Srl has developed specific doors precisely constructed according to the Directive 94/9 / EC, which are proposed as a valid solution for companies that need rapid industrial doors, for fast and frequent transits in environments where the risk of accidents explosive atmosphere is high.
This specific kind of door uses a certified technology, developed through specific studies carried out in collaboration with members of the Italian Electrotechnical Committee, which allows you to minimize, if not even eliminate the risk present in ATEX environments, whether they contain gas dust; the development of the structure, the mantle and the electrical components are entirely made in accordance with ATEX certified up to the EX zone group II cat. 2 / 3G - 21-22.
In practical this particular type of door provides the same quality standard of the folding doors Velo Pack standard, also maintaining of the good features in terms of moving speed and reliability.

Flexi Roll - The self repairing door
Trivellato Srl introduces a new product, the rapid roll-up door Flexi Roll, which can only be considered at the forefront in the production of industrial clousures.It is a particular type of self-repairing door that is part of the family Velo Roll, which uses a similar system of rolling-up of the curtain directly on a winder tube, maintaining unchanged the features of robustness and reliability typical of this product line.The special...
Trivellato Srl introduces a new product, the rapid roll-up door Flexi Roll, which can only be considered at the forefront in the production of industrial clousures.
It is a particular type of self-repairing door that is part of the family Velo Roll, which uses a similar system of rolling-up of the curtain directly on a winder tube, maintaining unchanged the features of robustness and reliability typical of this product line.
The special feature of Flexi Roll is the possibility of the fabric to repair itself after an impact: in the event of frontal crash and and the exit of the curtain from its guides, the door can simply wrapping-to-back in the normal manner and then continue to be used as before the impact.
This system makes this roll-up door fast and safe, especially for internal use, for example in warehouses.
The door frame is galvanized, press bended and is formed by an upper crossbar and two lateral uprights fitted with self-lubricating rails on which the curtaind slides through pre-welded hinges. The fabric in question is self-extinguishing PVC, free of rigid bars, which makes it much more resistant to stresses resulting from crashes. Also it is a curtain resistant to tearing 300 N and available in 17 colors; to complete the maximum customization is equipped with a row of transparent windows that, according to the requests of the customer can be extended by adding more rows of portholes, to ensure not only greater visibility over the door, but even greater brightness and safety.
The fabric is also available in an insulated version, which makes Flexi Roll a self-repairing door also ideal for environments at low temperatures or in situations in which there is the need to contain the noise.
The opening systems as remote control, pull cord, radar, loop make this product ideal for a variety of uses and needs, not to mention that, upon request, Trivellato Srl is available to provide advice for further customization of the rapid roll-up door Flexi Roll.

Design - Graphic renderings
Trivellato Srl has decided to offer its customers the opportunity to evaluate the solution that best suits their needs, thanks to the realization of a graphics rendering, which allows them to view the product not only through the catalog, but to see the simulated installation exactly in the place in which the closure should be applied.In essence, the Trivellato team makes a free inspection at the customer to verify the...
Trivellato Srl has decided to offer its customers the opportunity to evaluate the solution that best suits their needs, thanks to the realization of a graphics rendering, which allows them to view the product not only through the catalog, but to see the simulated installation exactly in the place in which the closure should be applied.
In essence, the Trivellato team makes a free inspection at the customer to verify the exact location where the clousure or the door have to be placed, and conducts surveys of the measures needed to achieve the final product. The actual design work begins immediately after: once back in office, the staff prepares, thanks to the use of graphic programs such as Photoshop and InDesign, a graphics rendering of the product chosen by the client, which is installed in the exact position in which it should be mounted.
The realization of a rendering helps the client to get an idea of the result that could obtain and understand so if it is a functional solution to his needs and also pleasant from the aesthetic point of view; This can be particularly useful in the case of customizable products for which there is no standard to show the customer or the degree of customization is so high that showing the achievements is not enough to make the idea. Particularly useful is the application of rapid industrial doors where even the color choice from the wide range available, plays a not insignificant role.
Once created the graphics rendering is possible for customers to have a comparison with our technical staff to evaluate corrections of the project or variants which allow to best meet their needs.

Our achievements - Sattin Ortofrutta
Trivellato Srl proves to be one of the leaders in the field of industrial closures not only thanks to years of experience in the industry, but also thanks to its many successful achievements.
Trivellato Srl proves to be one of the leaders in the field of industrial closures not only thanks to years of experience in the industry, but also thanks to its many successful achievements.
Among the achievements made by the company sited in Este, there is also the installation of new loading bay at the customer Sattin Fruit and Vegetables, a company in San Martino di Venezze (RO), which represented a real step forward for the loading and unloading goods from its warehouse. Specifically, the client, who is one of the largest distributors of fresh fruits and vegetables in the north-east of Italy, following an expansion of its headquarters, had expressed the need to find industrial closures appropriate to the new environments that could also be functional and operationally, allowing the client to speed up the daily operations of cargo handling.
The answers of Trivellato for this particular type of structure, have been a closure for the storage area and one for the loading / unloading of goods; the advantage for the operation has been immediate speeding up the operations of loading and unloading of the goods decreasing by far the loss of time; also the installation of new industrial doors has also greatly improved the working conditions of the staff; the environments have become after installation, protected areas not only from the rain and wind, but also by the heat due to the thermal barrier provided by the PVC curtain.
The product Trivellato used in this installation is the door Velo Pack and Velo Pack GD, a high-speed folding door, particularly suited to the needs of the logistics industry due to its reliability and sturdiness; Velo Pack easily reaches 16 meters in width in its GD version while maintaining the conditions of strength, safety and versatility of use.
In the pictures you can see the cargo storage area before and after the installation of the closures Trivellato.